Persecution Unveiled Cause

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Persecution Unveiled has established this cause to educate people about the persecution of Christians and religious minorities in the US & worldwide. Mission Raising awareness to the growing tide of bigotry and hatred toward Christians around the world has become a burden on those trying to wake up those who cherish religious freedom as a God given right. Persecution Unveiled has been called by God to prick the consciences of this nation and all free people to speak up and act on behalf of those who have no voice. Email

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hijacking Christmas Turns Ugly

from the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Bill Donohue comments on three examples of Christmas being hijacked to make a cultural statement, some of which are offensive:
Those who want a new twist on the traditional crèche can buy a 10-piece Hipster Nativity scene that features Joseph sporting a lumberjack beard taking a selfie; baby Jesus and a peace-flashing Mary, holding a Starbucks cup, are included. The three wise men show up on Segways holding Amazon boxes full of presents; there is also a cow draped in a sweater with a "100% Organic" seal on it.

This depiction is more trendy than it is offensive.

A gun-rights activist in Columbia, South Carolina has hijacked Christmas to make his case defending the Second Amendment. It is the work of the Palmetto State Armory. Billboards are being displayed in several South Carolina cities, all of which feature assault weapons or shotguns, cribbing from Christmas themes and songs. "Do you hear what I hear?" and "All I want for Christmas is you" are two examples.

This depiction is more offensive than it is trendy.

Reality TV star Brandi Glanville posted a Facebook picture of herself squatting over baby Jesus, posing as if she were giving birth to him. It didn't go over with the public, which is why she deleted it from her Facebook and Instagram accounts.

However, Glanville refused to apologize. Instead, before she deleted the photo, she said, "Why is everyone so butthurt? I guess cause I'm an Atheist this doesn't bother me in the least bit. But seriously why should people need to 'respect' this religion while this religion is so disrespectful to everyone else? Get over yourselves. Seriously." She then tweeted, "People need to chill the f*** out and take a joke."

There is nothing trendy about this depiction, but it is egregiously offensive. It is also quite revealing. Glanville reasons that because she is an "Atheist" [notice she capitalizes her master status], it doesn't bother her that Christians are offended. Why would it? After all, that was exactly her point.

Not all atheists, of course, are haters, but increasingly many are. Glanville's stunt, and her response to critics, move her toward the top of the line.

Contact Glanville's agent:


The Catholic League is the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization. Founded in 1973 by the late Father Virgil C. Blum, S.J., the Catholic League defends the right of Catholics – lay and clergy alike – to participate in American public life without defamation or discrimination.  Use this link for more information on the Catholic League.

Persecution Unveiled has been called by God to prick the consciences of this nation and all free people to speak up and act on behalf of those who have no voice.  Follow us on  Pinterest, and Google; like us on Facebook, and visit our website using this link.  

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