Why, you ask? Pastor Latzel preaches that the God of the Bible is NOT the god of Islam – Allah. He preaches against Chrislam and says that it is a deception from the devil. He will not budge from the Word of God. He knows that he may wind up in jail, or worse; but preaching the Truth from God’s Word is most important to this brother in Christ.
Pope Francis is telling the world that God and Allah are the same. This does not surprise me in the least. Catholicism is a cult, and I truly believe that this Jesuit Pope may very well be the False Prophet spoken of in God’s Word.
Germany is days away from an onslaught of approximately one million migrant Muslims coming into their country. The Germans are watching in horror as they see the chaos, the rapes and the riots in other countries by these so-called “refugees.” My question is this: If these are truly refugees, then where are the women and children? All the world is seeing are able bodied young Muslim men.
It seems that this story about Pastor Latzel has gone all around the world. CBN interviewed the pastor. Pastor Latzel believes that up to 85% of the pastors in Germany are not born again. In the interview, he asked for American Christians to be praying for Germany. He is asking God for revival to come to his country.
Please take a few moments to watch the video below or use this link to view it on Youtube.
Continue reading: https://grandmageri422.me/2015/10/24/
Persecution Unveiled has established this cause to educate people about the persecution of Christians and religious minorities in the US & worldwide. Mission Raising awareness to the growing tide of bigotry and hatred toward Christians around the world has become a burden on those trying to wake up those who cherish religious freedom as a God given right. Persecution Unveiled has been called by God to prick the consciences of this nation and all free people to speak up and act on behalf of those who have no voice. You can also follow us on Pinterest and Facebook
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