Persecution Unveiled Cause

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Persecution Unveiled has established this cause to educate people about the persecution of Christians and religious minorities in the US & worldwide. Mission Raising awareness to the growing tide of bigotry and hatred toward Christians around the world has become a burden on those trying to wake up those who cherish religious freedom as a God given right. Persecution Unveiled has been called by God to prick the consciences of this nation and all free people to speak up and act on behalf of those who have no voice. Email

Thursday, September 8, 2016


By Adan Salazar
Info Wars

Parents in Maryland are suing public school administrators over concerns that a classroom lesson attempted to indoctrinate their daughter into the Islamic faith.

In an incredible lawsuit filed in US district court last week, Melissa Wood and her husband John Wood, an eight-year US Marine Corps veteran, claim the La Plata Public School violated the First Amendment by promoting “Islam over other faiths, such as Christianity or Judaism.”

The Woods claim their daughter, identified as C.W. in court documents obtained by Infowars, was assigned lessons and homework in her 11th grade World History class which “required the students… to profess statements on the teachings and beliefs of Islam in written worksheets as graded homework assignments,” violating the family’s Christian faith.

According to the lawsuit, “C.W. and her classmates in 11th grade World History were instructed that ‘Most Muslim’s faith is stronger than the average Christian.’”
Additionally, “C.W. also had to profess the Shahada, by claiming, ‘There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah,’” the lawsuit reads.

“This statement is in direct contradiction to C.W.’s deep-seeded Christian beliefs and heritage that it is sinful to express that there is any other god but the monotheistic Christian God.”
The Woods also took issue with C.W. being instructed that “’jihad’ is a ‘holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty.”

The lawsuit claims the history class instructed students to read from the text of the Qur’an and directed them “to learn and recite the Five Pillars of Islam.”

Article continues

Persecution Unveiled has been called by God to prick the consciences of this nation and all free people to speak up and act on behalf of those who have no voice.  Follow us on  Pinterest, like us on Facebook, and visit our website using this link. 

1 comment:

  1. The true messenger of God is a living Prophet! Thomas S Monson is a true living Prophet!


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