“We are an ancient people on the verge of extinction because of our commitment to our faith. Will anybody protest for us?”
Virgin Mary Statue Beheaded in Iraq
By Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.
The Catholic Archbishop of Erbil has denounced the hypocrisy of those protesting President Trump’s recent executive order on immigration, wondering aloud where all of the demonstrators were when Islamic State fighters were slaughtering Christians and other minorities in the Middle East.
In an interview with the online journal Crux, Archbishop Bashar Warda said that from his perspective in Iraq, he couldn’t help but ask “why all of these protesters were not protesting in the streets when ISIS came to kill Christians and Yazidis and other minority groups.”
Warda also criticized the policies of the Obama administration, which offered no financial assistance to displaced Christians in Islamic State territory and instead favored Syrian Muslims when it came to accepting refugees into the United States.
“They were not protesting when the tens of thousands of displaced Christians my archdiocese has cared for since 2014 received no financial assistance from the U.S. government or the U.N.,” he said.
“There were no protests when Syrian Christians were only let in at a rate that was 20 times less than the percentage of their population in Syria.”
“I do not understand why some Americans are now upset that the many minority communities that faced a horrible genocide will finally get a degree of priority in some manner,” Warda added.
The archbishop also suggested that the inconvenience posed by a three-month moratorium on visas is nothing compared to the suffering of minorities in Iraq and Syria during the past several years, and yet no one seemed to think that was worthy of a protest.
“Most Americans have no concept of what it was like to live as a Yazidi or Christian or other minority as ISIS invaded,” he said. “Our people had the option to flee, to convert, or to be killed, and many were killed in the most brutal ways imaginable."
“But there were none of these protests then of ISIS’s religious test,” he said.
In his lengthy interview, Warda underscored the hypocrisy of protesters who are willing to side with Muslims but won’t lift a finger to aid Christians facing genocide in the Middle East.
Blogger's note:
Since 2014, Persecution Unveiled has been posting stories concerning religious persecution. We have garnered stories from various internet sources. These reports document the unspeakable tortures, rapes, and murders committed by ISIS and radical Islamists against men, women and children.
The main stream media and cable news networks rarely report on this genocide. The United Nations, the Obama administration and the Church in the West have been apathetic at best and complicit at worst by their inaction.
With thousands picketing and protesting for their questionable causes, why do these protesters refuse to speak out against the extermination of Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities? Your silence is telling and shameful.