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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Illinois Church with Drag Queen Leader has Reached 'Doctrinal Annihilation': Al Mohler

“By the time any kind of church or church body reaches this point, it has already basically embraced doctrinal annihilation. There is virtually nothing left of the historic Christian tradition.”

Isaac Simmons, an openly gay clergy candidate in the United Methodist Church, doing a
video in April 2021 as his drag queen alter ego Ms. Penny Cost. YouTube/Woke Preacher Clips

By Michael Gryboski
Christian Post Reporter

Southern Baptist leader Albert Mohler has denounced an Illinois church’s consideration of having a drag queen as their pastor, calling it “doctrinal annihilation.”

Hope United Methodist Church in Bloomington garnered headlines for having an openly gay man who is also a drag queen serve as a leader at their congregation, with a local UMC body advancing him as a candidate for ministry.

In a Wednesday episode of his podcast “The Briefing,” Mohler blasted the church's advancement of Isaac Simmons as “an intentional refutation and revolt against the very order of creation that God has given us, and a direct violation of the clear teachings of Scripture concerning the fact that those whom God has made as men should identify as men.”

“This is open revolt, and of course, you're going to see a division between those who are appalled by it, deeply troubled by it, deeply concerned by it and opposed to it on the one hand, and those who celebrate it and say that it's arrived far too late on the other hand,” said Mohler.

“By the time any kind of church or church body reaches this point, it has already basically embraced doctrinal annihilation. There is virtually nothing left of the historic Christian tradition.”

Mohler went on to explain that “you're looking not only at two different positions” when it came to whether Simmons should be a church leader, but rather “you're looking at two different religions.”

“Those two different religions cannot possibly continue to exist in one church or in one denomination,” he added. “Once conservatives are out of the picture in the United Methodist Church, this is only the start of where things will go in the future.”

A student at Illinois Wesleyan, Simmons has been known to be involved in online worship as his drag persona, Ms. Penny Cost, including on April 11, known as “Drag Sunday.”

In an interview with CBS News affiliate WMBD in Illinois, Simmons explained that he wasn't expecting to be approved for clergy candidacy, given the UMC’s official stance against homosexuality, noncelibate homosexual ordination and same-sex marriage.

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