World Net Daily
A new law in Russia that had prompted Christian groups to call for a day of prayer and fasting before its final adoption has been signed into law and now will restrict even the most innocuous conversations about faith, according to reports.
“The new law will require any sharing of the Christian faith – even a casual conversation – to have prior authorization from the state,” reported Barnabas Fund, which aids persecuted Christians worldwide.
“This includes something as basic as an emailed invitation for a friend to attend church. Even in a private home, worship and prayer will only be allowed if there are no unbelievers present,” the organization said. “Churches will also be held accountable for the activities of their members.
So if, for example, a church member mentions their faith in conversation with a work colleague, not only the church member but also the church itself could be punished, with individuals facing fines of up to 50,000 rubles ($770).”
Radio Free Europe reported Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the “contentious” law that was promoted as countering terrorism.
It also toughens punishments for extremism and violence, boosts the government’s ability to do surveillance and makes it criminal to fail to tell authorities about certain crimes. It also, the report said, “boosts state access to private communications, requiring telecom companies to store all telephone conversations, text messages, videos, and picture messages for six months and make this data available to the authorities.”
Encrypted programs must provide authorities a key, and the law “also increases the number of crimes that 14-year-olds can be prosecuted for and restricts the activity of religious preachers.”
Critics have charged that it is unconstitutional and likely to be used “to suppress dissent.”
Radio Free Europe reported Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the “contentious” law that was promoted as countering terrorism.
It also toughens punishments for extremism and violence, boosts the government’s ability to do surveillance and makes it criminal to fail to tell authorities about certain crimes. It also, the report said, “boosts state access to private communications, requiring telecom companies to store all telephone conversations, text messages, videos, and picture messages for six months and make this data available to the authorities.”
Encrypted programs must provide authorities a key, and the law “also increases the number of crimes that 14-year-olds can be prosecuted for and restricts the activity of religious preachers.”
Critics have charged that it is unconstitutional and likely to be used “to suppress dissent.”
Article continues here: www.wnd.com
Persecution Unveiled is an e-publication established to educate people about the persecution of Christians and religious minorities in the US & worldwide. Mission Raising awareness to the growing tide of bigotry and hatred toward Christians around the world has become a burden on those trying to wake up those who cherish religious freedom as a God given right. Persecution Unveiled has been called by God to prick the consciences of this nation and all free people to speak up and act on behalf of those who have no voice.
It sounds like this was passed at the Behest of Patriarch Kirill, The Patriarch of The Russian Orthodox Church.