Churches were used as target ranges and statues beheaded and destroyed Jaco Klamer/Aid to the Church in Need |
By Harry Farley
A Chinese Christian human rights lawyer who was recently released by government authorities after being detained for 18 months in a jail cell is suffering from severe psychological and physical trauma.
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-human-rights-lawyer-china-suffering-severe-trauma-imprisoned-regime-173096/#Gub1wO9OQ1xGakvJ.99
A Chinese Christian human rights lawyer who was recently released by government authorities after being detained for 18 months in a jail cell is suffering from severe psychological and physical trauma.
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-human-rights-lawyer-china-suffering-severe-trauma-imprisoned-regime-173096/#Gub1wO9OQ1xGakvJ.99
Li Chunfu became well known for representing 200 miners in Hebei in their demand for safety at work,
Asia News reports, but was arrested on Aug. 1, 2015, and charged with "inciting subversion of state power."
After 18 months in detention, Li was finally granted bail on Jan. 5 pending trial, and formally released on Jan. 12. He has since been taken to a hospital in Beijing and is showing signs of torture and distress.
China Change, an organization that monitors civil rights law and cases in China, said Li is also struggling to form coherent sentences.
"Last night he was saying that he felt like insects were biting his body inside, that his heart had been eaten away by bugs bit by bit, and there wasn't much of it left," Li's wife said about her husband's mental state.
The report added: "Li Chunfu is still in a state of terror and confusion. When he saw his wife making a phone call, he shot his arm out and gripped her tight around the neck, growling: 'Who are you calling?! You want to harm me!'"
China Charge and numerous other watchdog groups have warned that hundreds of human rights lawyers imprisoned by the Communist Party could be suffering the same
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-human-rights-lawyer-china-suffering-severe-trauma-imprisoned-regime-173096/#Gub1wO9OQ1xGakvJ.99
Yang was first arrested in December 2015 when government officials accused him of trying to prevent authorities from taking his computer and hard drive during a raid on the house church, with Living Stone eventually shut down.
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-human-rights-lawyer-china-suffering-severe-trauma-imprisoned-regime-173096/#Gub1wO9OQ1xGakvJ.99
Christian Today
Iraqi Christians are determined to return to their homelands despite devastation wreaked by ISIS.
Qaraqosh, the largest Christian town on Iraq's Ninevah Plain, was largely destroyed under the jihadist occupation. Now back under Iraqi control, local Christian are insisting on better security as they prepare to go home.
Father Sharbil Eeso, a 72-year-old Catholic priest, has returned to Qaraqosh more than two years after he fled.
"Despite all the damage, I have hope for the future. If our security is guaranteed, Christians can continue to live in Iraq," he said.
In an appeal for help from fellow Christians outside of the Middle East, he said:
"I want to return to Qaraqosh when there is electricity and water again, although I think that safety is the main condition for returning."
Speaking to the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, local salon owner Manal Matti, described how the militants set fire to the nearby Church of the Immaculate Conception and beheaded its statues.
"The jihadists used the church as a shooting range and the mannequins as targets. The mannequins are completely riddled [with bullets]."
Aid to the Church in Need said one church was used as an ammunition store by the militants. |
ACN reports show that Qaraqosh's St George's Syriac Catholic Church was used by ISIS as an improvised bomb factory and contained hundreds of bombs and grenades.
The extremists also wrote battle plans on church walls and chemicals were found in the building together with instructions on how to mix them into explosives.
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